Debt Free Affirmations – For Each Day of the Month

I have to be honest here; this is not something that I do nor used in our debt elimination journey (we are on stage 6 of the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps program). However, I have friends who have used these types of debt free affirmations in their debt-free journey, and they found it of great benefit. When I spoke with them about this, it wasn’t surprising, as affirmations were something they had used in other parts of their lives.

I was also interested to learn that often an affirmations approach does suit those of us who are more “non-numbers” people, or as my dear wife would say, the regular people when it came to this. No, it isn’t because they don’t do the budgets, but they gain much greater reward from the less tangible benefits from being debt-free – as opposed to someone like me who perhaps enjoys the numbers a little too much.

However, with an open mind, on with the affirmations for each day of the month that we hope will help you in your debt-free journey, whatever stage you are at.

Days 1 to 10

  1. Each day I’m getting out of debt
  2. The elimination of my debt is important to me and my family
  3. I am controlling my finances, not my finances controlling me
  4. My spending habits are now under my control
  5. Each day I am reducing my debt by being organised and in control
  6. I will soon be able to live debt free
  7. I am climbing out of this debt hole each day, one step at a time
  8. My financial health is improving each day
  9. I want to be debt free because … (eg so I can help others through this too)
  10. Each day it is easier to live an organised and frugal lifestyle
Debt free affirmations - new teachings for each day

Days 11 to 20

  1. One day my future self will thank you
  2. My finances are my business and I will be careful and attentive with them
  3. I control my spending, it does not control me
  4. I tell my money where to go now, not wonder where it went
  5. My spending is now wise and thoughtful, it now has purpose
  6. I am open to new ways of saving money and paying off debt faster
  7. My debt free journey is not about me but those I love and care for
  8. Each day I am becoming more responsible with my money
  9. Managing my money well is part of my normal thinking and planning
  10. I am open to new ways of earning money and paying off debt faster

Days 21 to 31

  1. When I become debt free I will not go back to using debt because I will free from its control
  2. Having savings and being debt free will be a wonderful place to be
  3. My finances are my responsibilities, no one else’s
  4. Each month I will follow my budget because it helps control my spending
  5. My financial position is my responsibility and I can improve it each day
  6. Each day moves me a step closer to living debt free
  7. I am finding it easier each day to control my spending and becoming debt free
  8. I am learning more about myself and money each day as I step towards being debt free
  9. Peace and freedom will come from being debt free
  10. There is a positive difference being in control of my money brings
  11. One day I will help others in their debt free journeys so they too can experience the peace it brings.

Additional Reading

We have been down this path of trying to gain financial freedom – we are still on it. Although we haven’t used debt free affirmations as part of this process, we thought you might like to learn about our journey.

The first that we tackled was to control our spending, and we have a couple of articles that may be helpful on this. They can be found here and here. We were heavily influenced by the baby steps Dave Ramsey teaches. This plan worked for us, and we recommend it to anyone following behind us. Along the way, we have established the four main principles we follow for our wealth creation, not created by us, but following those ahead of us. And you can find that article here. And you can see one of our earlier articles we wrote on managing money here. Although we don’t recommend debt consolidation generally now, you can’t go wrong with these four recommendations.

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