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There are often signs a company is in financial trouble. We highlight some of these key signs so you are more aware of possible troubles that may be ahead.
If you are thinking about using discounts to attract customers, we have a few thoughts on how discounts may actually hurt your business. Although discounts can be effective, they have drawbacks too.
Employment downsizing is a stressful time for many, but there are alternatives out there. We cover three options that may be helpful to you. While you have time, it's always worth considering your...
Expanding overhead can be poisonous to small businesses, especially when it goes unnoticed. As businesses grow, they're bound to spend more on upgrades, inventory, salaries and more. Unfortunately,...
Starting a new business is one of the biggest challenges. There are always so many variables and so many things that can go wrong that analyzing all of them is the most time consuming but also the...
You may be surprised to learn what the top five stock markets in the world are for 2012. We review their financial performance for the year, and with a few words of caution.