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A regular SWOT analysis process brings meaningful benefits to any organisation or individual. We list some of the ways it can help you or your business.
The Gearing Ratio is a fundamental formula that is used everyday by financial analysts, banks and investors to understand the capital structure of a company. The financial gearing shows how much debt...
The dividend payout ratio calculator is a very useful equity investment analysis tool for investors. We provide you with a full analysis of the ratio and examples to work through.
Understanding the components of working capital and how to manage them effectively is essential to any business. A business' working capital is its "financial fuel" for the near...
In financial reporting it is critical to ensure operating vs finance lease analysis is based on the substance of the agreement, not its legal form. We provide you with a comparison and points to...
The accrual concept of accounting is a requirement for the three most widely used accounting frameworks, IFRS, US and UK GAAP. So what does that mean?Accrual Concept of Accounting vs...